Laboratory astrophysics uses advanced techniques such as powerful lasers and plasma experiments to simulate and study extreme cosmic conditions, allowing researchers to explore phenomena such as star formation and other celestial dynamics that are otherwise out of reach.
The universe is a large, complex system, with the most fascinating astrophysical events occurring in distant galaxies or hostile environments that are out of our physical reach. Stars form in a stellar nursery – in a few years there will be a huge molecular cloud, but black holes and neutron stars exist in areas of extreme gravity where traditional observation techniques are struggling.
Even within our own solar system, planetary interiors remain largely unexplored. For example, consider Mars. When the patient rover landed in 2021 it carried a drill that could reach just three inches from the surface. Beyond that shallow layer, the interior of the planet remains a mystery. If this is difficult to understand nearby planets, how would you like to study the nursery of an exoplanet, neutron star, or star?
The space is vast and attractive, and it’s difficult to study
The challenge isn’t just distance. It’s time again. Some of the most dramatic astrophysical events, such as supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, are extremely rare, meaning astronomers are only seen by a handful per century.
Other important processes, such as star formation, planetary evolution, and the addition of black holes, have unfolded well beyond human lifespans over millions to billions of years. This raises the fundamental question. How can you study astrophysical events that cannot be reached in real time or physically?
To overcome these challenges, our group relies on laboratory astrophysics. Laser, plasma physics experiments, and extreme compression techniques allow us to replicate and study the states found in distant stars, planetary interiors, and cosmic explosions on Earth. Giant lasers can be used to squeal, shock, heat, ionis and magnetic material to recreate the exotic environments found in star and planetary decor, supernova shocks, and accretion discs.

Instead of waiting for thousands of years of black holes to evolve or struggle to peer deep into the planet, you can simulate these extreme environments in your lab. Compresses time and space into an observable, testable framework.
To replicate these extreme conditions, some of the most powerful lasers in the world are required, and the ability to compress energy into small volumes within a fraction of a second. For example, the National Ignition Facility has the world’s most energetic lasers, capable of supplying over 2 million units of energy in a single shot. It is sufficient to instantly compress the material to pressure beyond the interior of a giant planet like Jupiter.

It reproduces the extreme conditions seen in hair, stars and fusion reactions. Photo credit: Wikipedia/Damien Jemison/llnl
Similarly, LINAC coherent light sources and European X-ray free electron lasers produce ultra-bright X-ray pulses, allowing scientists to investigate the structure and behavior of materials under extreme density conditions.
One recent example is the study of turbulence in star formation. Here, lab experiments revealed how chaotic gas movements form galaxy and star nursery beds. Reproducing the chaotic movement within molecular clouds in a controlled laboratory environment has allowed us to reveal new insights into how turbulence forms the birth of stars.
Understand how stars are born
Stars are born with turbulent clouds of gas and dust that allow gravity, shock waves and magnetic fields to fight. These vast molecular clouds range from dozens to hundreds of light years, and are a chaotic environment where turbulence regulates the collapse of interstellar material.
Unlike the familiar turbulence of air and water on Earth, astrophysical turbulence is often ultrasound, with gas motion exceeding local velocity of sound. This leads to the formation of shock waves and plays an important role in determining how gases fragment into stars. Understanding this process is essential to explain the speed and efficiency of star formation throughout the universe.
It is difficult to directly observe the movement of these turbulent flows. Molecular clouds evolve over millions of years, often obscure by interstellar dust, limiting what telescopes can capture. To bypass these challenges, we turned to laboratory astrophysics, which uses high-power lasers to generate supersonic plasma jets in controlled settings. In our experiment, we collided with two laser-driven plasma jets and created a turbulent region that closely mimics the conditions within the clouds of star formation. The experiment was conducted at the Central Laser Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Institute in the UK using Vulcan Laser, a high-energy laser system that can generate the extreme conditions needed to replicate astrophysical turbulence.
We observed a thin shock-driven structure that forms in the plasma. These high density regions, where hot plasma compresses into narrow filaments, are important sites where gravity is retained, ultimately leading to star formation.

This experiment provided direct evidence that supersonic turbulence in astrophysical environments naturally organizes gases into long, elongated structures, confirming longstanding theories of how turbulence affects star birth. By bringing star-forming turbulence into the lab, we bridge the gap between theory and reality.
Unlock the lab universe
Laboratory astrophysics is revolutionizing the way we explore the universe. By recreating extreme space environments using lasers, plasma physics and high energy density experiments, scientists can study the processes that form the universe, such as star turbulence, all directly within laboratory control conditions.
As experimental capabilities continue to evolve, future research will push the boundaries of what we can simulate, providing new insights into black hole attachment, nuclear fusion, and the fundamental forces that shape our universe without leaving Earth.
However, the power of these experiments goes far beyond astrophysics. The most powerful lasers on the planet are opening new frontiers of materials science, high energy physics and extreme engineering. In the next few articles, we take a peek at exciting physics and engineering that can be explored using the world’s largest lasers. Topics include:
Listen to the depth of the planet – How we measure the velocity of sound within extreme materials reveals the structure of the planet’s interior. The world’s longest thermometer – Measure temperature in unprecedented ways using a 3km long x-ray laser and inelastic x-ray scattering. The forecast from 200 years ago was finally tested. Modern experiments confirm how Joseph Fourier’s theory of interfacial thermal resistance in extreme plasmas has been confirmed. Create the hottest solids on Earth – pushing materials to the limits and exploring the physics of superheated matter. Bond curing under extreme conditions – why do some materials become stronger as they get colder?
Each experiment pushes the limits of what is possible and brings the most extreme conditions of the universe into the lab.
This article will also be featured in the 22nd edition of Quarterly Publication.
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