Recent studies have shown that carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems is increasing, mitigating about 30% of CO2 emissions associated with human activity.
The overall value of carbon sequestration on the Earth’s surface is fairly well known, as it can be inferred from the planet’s total carbon balance anthropogenic emissions.
However, researchers know little about the carbon distribution among the various terrestrial pools. These include living vegetation such as forests, organic soil matter, sediments at the bottom of lakes and rivers, and live carbon pools such as wetlands.
This non-life carbon is derived, especially from the excretion and decomposition of dead plants and plants, and ultimately becomes a food for soil organisms.
The mechanisms of carbon accumulation in living biomass are well known, but variations in photosynthetic-non-raw carbon pools in particular are largely unknown and are extremely difficult to measure.
A 30% increase in terrestrial carbon sinks over the past decade
Researchers measured variability in total terrestrial carbon sinks between 1992 and 2019 by harmonizing a set of global estimates based on a variety of remote sensing technologies and field data.
They combined global estimates with a recent compilation of carbon exchange between land, atmosphere and oceans to distribute the accumulation of terrestrial carbon between life and non-biological carbon pools.
They discovered that about 35 Gigatonne carbon was isolated on the surface of the Earth between 1992 and 2019. This accumulation of terrestrial carbon has increased by 30% from 0.5 Gigatonnes per year to 1.7 Gigatonnes per year over the past decade.
However, mainly forests and vegetation account for only 6% of these carbon growth. Until now, forests were considered to be the main form of carbon sequestration.
However, disruptions related to climate change and human activity make them more vulnerable and can now release as much carbon as they accumulate.
Nevertheless, they remain important carbon strains that need to be protected.
Accumulation from human activities
The results show that a significant portion of the terrestrial carbon accumulation mechanism is associated with burial of organic carbon in anaerobic environments such as natural and artificial bottoms.
Even more surprising, the results show that a significant proportion of terrestrial carbon sinks may be related to human activities such as the construction of dams and artificial ponds, as well as the use of wood.
The positive results of this study find that the majority of the increase in terrestrial carbon is sequestered in a more permanent way compared to living vegetation.
Due to a lack of data on soil, water bodies and wetland carbon accumulation, current dynamic global vegetation models have significantly overestimated the role of forests in terrestrial carbon sinks.
This study identifies key processes of terrestrial carbon accumulation that are not included in the current model.
As a result, this data serves as a valuable resource for examining future dynamic global vegetation models in living plant biomass.
Future research: Expanding knowledge about life and non-biological carbon sinks
Recent increases in carbon sequestration provide a complex, but complex outlook for mitigating climate change.
Although forests remain important carbon stocks, this study reveals that non-biological carbon pools, such as soils, wetlands and water bodies, play a much greater role than previously understood.
The increase in terrestrial carbon sinks over the past decade suggests that much of it is related to human activities such as dam construction, suggesting there are additional and often overlooked opportunities to enhance carbon storage. However, ecosystem vulnerabilities such as forests to climate change and human activity underscore the need for comprehensive protection and more accurate carbon models.
By expanding our understanding of how carbon accumulates in both living and non-ecosystems, we can improve our strategies to preserve and strengthen these important carbon sinks for the long-term benefits of the planet.
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