The New York State Energy Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA) today announced that $5 million is available to support New York’s innovative building solutions. Today’s announcement accelerates the market reading of new and emerging clean energy and energy efficiency technologies that will help manage future energy use, increase energy efficiency and reduce operating costs of buildings and homes across the state.
“We are pleased to announce that we are committed to providing a range of services and services to providing services that will enable us to create a range of services that will benefit you,” said Doreen M. Harris, President and CEO of Nyserda. This critical funding will support new products and systems that can be replicated in aging homes and buildings as part of a comprehensive approach to creating more sustainable communities across the state. ”
Enabling the innovative Clean Energy Building Solutions Programme, qualified proposers are looking for qualified proposers to demonstrate how the latest innovations in integrated systems, materials and technologies can significantly improve the performance of buildings or homes, reduce costs, and improve resilience. The maximum funding amount is $1 million per selected proposal and must have been previously awarded funds from a federal, state, or local government agency (non-Nyserda), foundation, or nonprofit organization to develop innovative clean building technology products or solutions to meet eligibility requirements.
The eligible funding areas are as follows:
Building Envelope – A component or material that improves performance and allows for renovation of building envelopes. Clean Heating and Cooling – New heat pump equipment, ground source systems, hybrid systems. Intelligent Grid Interactive Building Control – A solution that enables electrical load and energy asset management and provides grid interactivity. Low Groll Warming Potential (GWP) Refrigerant Applications and Leak Detection – A solution that accelerates the use and management of low GWP refrigerants. Thermal Storage – Integration of heat storage, ventilation and air conditioning equipment to improve performance and enable thermal networks.
The proposal is scheduled for June 4th, 2025 by 3pm. For more information about this funding opportunity, please visit the Nyserda website. Nyserda will hold a webinar on April 10, 2025 at 1:30 PM ET to provide details on solicitations, project requirements and application process.
“Making the innovative clean energy building solutions programme possible is an essential step in transforming the architecture sector in New York. Nyserda is empowering the next wave of scalable solutions that not only help the nation achieve climate goals, but also helps New York tenants and building owners to help them achieve their long-term resilience and cost savings,” said Richard C. Yancey, CEO of Building Energy Exchange. “By dealing with key areas such as clean heating and cooling, energy efficiency, and buildings, Nyserda is empowering the next wave of scalable solutions that will help the nation achieve climate goals and help New York tenants and building owners stay in the long term and cost savings. We look forward to sharing these advanced solutions widely with the community building decision makers.”
“Naseo again praises Nyserda for his work to improve building performance through technology development and demonstrations, but this time it enables opportunity notifications for the innovative Clean Energy Building Solutions Program. The opportunity demonstrates high-performance technologies in areas such as envelope construction; heating, cooling, and heat storage; refrigerant and leak detection; and grid interactive building controls. These demonstrations show how states can advance technology and help businesses to commercialize innovation, reduce energy costs, and improve country and country buildings.”
Today’s announcement is based on the success of previous rounds published under what was previously known as the Nextgen Buildings Innovation Challenges, which has awarded a total of $60 million to more than 80 projects so far. New York State’s investment in research, development and commercialization supports innovators to accelerate the clean energy transition to carbon neutrality across the economy. Nyserda’s innovation and research program has deployed approximately $1.2 billion over 15 years in direct research investment and commercialization support. To date, over $800 million investments have supported over 700 companies, with nearly 300 products being commercially available for individuals, businesses and utilities.
The initiative is funded through the Clean Energy Fund (CEF).
New York State Climate Agenda
The New York State Climate Agenda calls for a transition to an affordable clean energy economy. This creates jobs that support families, promotes economic growth through green investment, and directs underprivileged communities to earn a minimum of 35%. New York is working on a series of efforts to achieve an emissions-free economy by 2050, including the energy, buildings, transportation and waste sectors.
Since 1975, Nyserda has been working to advance New York’s energy system and economy. As a public benefit corporation, Nyserda served as an objective source of information and technology expertise to drive innovation and investment. For the past 50 years, Nyserda experts have been helping protect the environment and helping New Yorkers become more energy efficient, save money, and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. For more information about Nyserda’s programs and funding opportunities, visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.
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