Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Messaging App Telegram, no longer needs to stay in France. Sources told AFP that the investigative judge in charge of Durov’s case had accepted a request to change the terms of supervision.
“You may have heard of it, but after spending several months in France for investigations related to criminal activity on Telegram, I returned to Dubai,” Doloff wrote on Monday in a message posted to his telegram channel. “The process is ongoing, but being at home feels great.”
Doloff was arrested on August 24, 2024 after exiting a private jet at Le Bourge Airport in France. He spent four days in police custody, leading to extensive coverage of his arrest.
Shortly afterwards, the Paris Crown Court, which was responsible for the investigation, explained the reasons for his arrest. The majority of claims are said to be conspiring to promote organized fraud, illegal transactions and sharing of CSAM (child sexual abuse material) on messaging and social platforms.
At the time, Durov agreed to pay 5 million euros ($5.5 million at the current exchange rate) and check in at the police station twice a week. He was also forbidden from leaving France during the investigation. However, these conditions appear to be now being amended – allowing him to legally leave the country.
The Paris court did not release a statement regarding the reasons for the change in terms of supervision for Doloff.
A few days after the arrest, Telegram updated its website and app to allow users to report private chats to moderators. Before the arrest, the company said,[did] Does not process related requests [moderating chats and group chats]. ”
Of course, following this radical change, Telegram has removed millions of groups and channels.
In further comments on Durov’s channel, announcing its arrival in Dubai, Telegram CEO wrote:
Doloff has not yet left the forest. Despite his cooperation, the investigation remains ongoing, potentially leading to a criminal trial in France. On the plus side, Durov, who moved to Dubai in at least 2017 for a tax-free zone, will not need to file 2025 taxes in France.
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