The new report has revealed the important economic and environmental interests of the Umodenal Mapping in the UK’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
This report, developed by Eunomia Research & Consulting (Eunomia), defines the cost benefit of the seabed mapping and British economy.
It also emphasizes the potential advantages of mapping the seabed in various sea sector, such as environmental conservation, law compliance, transportation, offshore energy, and coastal leisure.
Ushamin mapping brings great economic value
The report states that the average total profit of the Umoda Mapping of the UK EEZ is about 8.9 billion pounds compared to the estimated annual investment of £ 130 million each year.
This indicates a remarkable average value of the cost benefit ratio of 86 pounds per pound.
Most of the values derived from the seabed mapping initiatives are from market sectors such as off -shoulder energy, transportation, trade, and port, and the rest are derived from non -market sectors such as environmental protection and legislative compliance.
Why is the seabed mapping so important?
The seabed mapping can promote growth and innovation throughout various marine sector by improving the safety of navigation, supporting employment creation, and promoting economic development.
This data is important for various maritime departments and related values. For example, accurate seabed mapping is essential for developing navigation charts to enable ships safely and support maritime trade.
In other places, this data is important for sectors such as offshore energy, fisheries, aquaculture, defense, and communication to identify and investigate sites suitable for development.
Beyond market applications, submarine mapping has contributed to environmental protection and marine resource management. This data helps to establish a maintenance area to protect ocean habitat while monitoring the levels of erosion and seabed ground sliding.
At the same time, they play an important role in supporting British governments to comply with various regulations and laws.
Thanks to the collective initiative, such as British seabed mapping centers (British CSM), the UK has an adjusted approach to collecting and managing the seabed and ocean data.
However, the progress of mapping technology in recent decades has made the seabed more comprehensive and up -to -date.
Basic data for maritime decisions
UKHO has outsourced the project to improve the quality, access, and coverage of the Umeter mapping data throughout the UK, as the maritime industry occupies the important part of the British national infrastructure.
This is consistent with Ukuho’s goal of supporting sea decisions and the safe passage of ships in the sea.
David Parker, the head of the Hydrography Program, commented: “Mapping on the sea floor is not only clarifying what is under our sea surface. Basic data to support economic growth, protect important ecosystems, and control the maritime industry for A. A more secure and more sustainable future.
“The survey results of this report show specific value in collecting this data and having a comprehensive and accurate mapping of the sea for many organizations in the UK, which depends on responsible decision -making. I hope.
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