Imagine receiving an invading test report, which has more questions than the answer. “Was all the functions of the Web app tested?” Or “Is there a security problem that you could have identified during the test?” This frustration is common among many security teams. Pennates are important, but often lack the depth and details needed to truly evaluate the success of the project.
In cooperation with the Cyber Security Team, I frequently encountered these problems, even if I had the management of ethical hacking projects. Even if you cooperate with an external pen test provider or manage your own projects as a founder of a hack rate, face it is difficult to confirm that tests are as comprehensive as those needed. Was often.
With this realization, the creation of HACKGATE, a managed gateway solution built so that transparency and control are brought to the pen test project, has not been questioned about the quality and thoroughness of the penetration test project. It has come. We aimed not only to deal with our own issues, but also to provide powerful tools to enhance the visibility of ethical hacking projects in the cyber security industry.
General issues in the penetration test
1. Lack of visibility and control
A recent survey on the Pentest project reveals that 60 % of security experts are struggling to measure the success of penstests. In addition, almost two -thirds (65 %) of the respondents depend on the information provided by Pennates Vendors. This emphasizes a large gap in cyber security situation. This is a lack of solutions that provide visibility to pententing activities. Without such a solution, the security team has about the important aspects of the test process, such as the overall range and period of the test, the specific method and attack vector, and the detailed procedures taken by ethical hackers. We are fighting limited insights.
2. Depending on the final pentest report
Most companies that outsource the penstests depend on the final report and the trust of the Penstest Vendor to evaluate success. Without the specific evidence of the tests, the security team will have concerns and security blind spots, and will encounter disabilities in both the understanding of the security test project, leadership, and the results to the stakeholders. 。
3. Adjustment of the remote pen tester team
Managing a globally distributed team, especially when working in a different time zone, increases these tasks. This could lead to delays in communication and adjustment, and missed the deadline and incomplete tasks. It is difficult for all team members to comply with the same criteria in various places. Inconvenient practices can lead to the gap between the pen test coverage, and have not discovered important vulnerabilities.
How HackGate deals with these issues
1. Enhancement of visibility and detailed insights
HackGate provides real -time visibility to Pentest activities. For example, emphasize the security test traffic sent to the target, the test area that focuses on the target, and explain how to use ethical hackers. With this transparency, you can effectively track the security test process.
2. Establishment of high quality framework for ethical hacking
In order to ensure the quality of the test process, it is important to establish a control based on the analyzed data. Ethical hackers use guidelines such as Owasp guidelines and best practices to provide structured approaches to identify security risks. The Owasp framework provides thorough evaluation of web applications, but you still need a security test audit to make sure that Pentester is truly accompanied by guidelines.
HackGate guarantees the effectiveness of the penetration test by establishing a baseline for the minimum test traffic, including both manual and automatic test activities. This guarantees thorough and consistent evaluation.
3. Integrated and visualized data
In the intrusion test, a large amount of data is generated. This is difficult to analyze and understand with the conventional security pelation center solution. The team needs a concentrated dashboard that integrates important insights that indicate the most important metric. Therefore, all stakeholders can easily catch up with the progress and monitor ethical hacking activities.
HackGate’s unified dashboard meets this need by integrating important insight into a single view. This includes a detailed outline of project management, analysis, and pen tester activity. As a result, all stakeholders can easily access and understand important metrics without sifting different sources.
4. better adjustment of the entire distributed security team
By providing unified interfaces to all team members, HackGate guarantees that everyone complies with the same criteria and reduces the inconsistency in the pen test coverage. This platform also supports a comprehensive coverage by enabling accurate and detailed reports and guarantees that all intended assets are tested and documented.
HackGate will automatically generate detailed reports and provide test evidence to improve your accountability. This not only helps team members to be accountable, but also simplify the audit process and ensure regulations on clear and easy -to -access audit trails.
Hackgate Approach
To succeed in the penetration test, the security team needs to “recruit trust but verify the principle of penetration tests”. This means that instead of relying only on the Pentest Provider report, it is necessary to verify the quality and thoroughness of the test. But how can this be achieved? The “Trust” approach requires accurate data, effective monitoring, and detailed reports. Most companies are still struggling because they lack methodology and tools.
Consider integrating innovative monitoring tools such as hackgates into cyber security strategies to make the invading test project comprehensive and compliant. To make a more detailed understanding of how to deal with specific needs, we will schedule consultation with technical experts. This is a detailed survey on how to enhance the pentest approach without a sales spic.
Access the HackGate website and start or arrange a personalized technical consultation.
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