Professor MAIA VERGNIORY has led pioneering research at the University of Shaburok, a topology quantum material, and has revolutionized the quantum technology and promotes interdisciplinary innovation.
When navigating the 21st century, the dependence on silicon -based technology faces a major issue for essential physical barriers. The size of the atoms imposes the miniaturization of the device. By dealing with these issues, you may need to deviate from silicon, the basic components of modern devices. Therefore, it is essential to use other categories of more efficient materials, such as quantum materials. Advance in these fields will help you develop environmentally friendly technology and deal with the imminent issues of climate change and energy demand. However, discovering compounds suitable for quantum applications in tens of thousands of chemical compounds was always difficult. Overcoming the task of discovering executable quantum materials is the key to developing new quantum technology.
Canada Excellence Retri Sirch Chair
This task is one of the top 10 research universities in Canada, and is directly from the Canadian Excellence Research Committee (CERC), a topological quantum substance, led by Professor Maia Verniary, a pioneer in quantum technology. It is satisfied. CERC has been supported by a major grant of $ 4 million in eight years, and Professor Vergnience and her team are ambitious research aimed at moving in quantum material science through the development of topology quantum chemistry. It will be possible to pursue.
Professor MAIA VERGNIORY has a remarkable position in the world of quantum condensed substances. Her surprising results include the co -creation of the new research field, Topology Quantum Chemical (TQC). It includes an honorable journal natural cover twice, decorating her altitude scientific papers, and gaining important perception of contribution to science such as L. Oréal-UNESCO was awarded the Science Award in 2017 and was nominated for the US Society of Physical Society in 2022.
The Mathematics (IQ) of the Sharbook University is a facility that is recognized as a leader in the quantum science field with a powerful industrial connection with state -of -the -art facilities, ideal for Professor VERGNIORY. Provides the environment. Her team, composed of talented students and researchers, focuses on the theoretical and simulation -based research for design new quantum devices and materials. These initiatives contribute to quantum sensing, fallottrellant quantum computing, and other state -of -the -art technology. The IQ’s unique interdisciplinary quantum research environment promotes the transition from theory to experiment.
Search for new quantum materials through topology quantum chemistry
Professor VERGNIORY is a pioneer in the field of topology quantum chemistry and is a discipline that integrates quantum mechanics and material science. It uses both graph theory and group theory to provide a clear path to understand the electronic structure of materials by connecting their topology to chemical and orbital symmetry. This new framework focuses on the interaction between chemist’s local bonds and physicists’ emphasis on electronic band structures, and enhances the understanding of materials such as topology and half price. This allows you to classify and predict the topology phase and support new topology materials. These recently discovered materials show a unique electronic characteristics of insulating interiors that are very resistant to defects and interactions and conductive surface. These characteristics have great potential for applications in various fields.
Bridge theory and practical application
Currently, the migration of topology materials to quantum technology is in the early stages. Professor VERGNIORY’s goal is to stimulate this transition by discovering new functional topology. This very interdisciplinary project lies in the connection between physics, chemistry, and computer science. Using topology quantum chemistry, her team has about 50 % of the material of the inorganic crystal structure database (ICSD), which is the largest repository of the completely identified inorganic crystal structure. It has already been identified. The electronic structure and topology characteristics of these materials have been uploaded to the public website.
Despite this success, a lot of work remained, and topology quantum chemistry has relyed on density function theory (DFT) calculation, which failed with powerful electronic correlation materials. The important purpose is to incorporate electronic correlations into the theory and bridge the discovery of TQC -based materials to the design of technically useful devices. This includes developing new theoretical and numerical frameworks, studying the electronic and magnetic characteristics of low -dimensional actual materials, and designing new metamaterials.
“It’s very exciting because we are expanding the limitations of knowledge,” said researchers. “There are still many questions, and I don’t know what the result will be.”
Various conversion applications are possible due to the unique characteristics of topology materials. These robust electronic state can increase the efficiency of microscopic components, improve the performance of catalysts, improve thermoelectric converters, and develop innovative magnetic storage media. By incorporating electronic correlations into topology quantum chemistry, Professor VergnioRy aims to solve the possibility of quantum material with powerful electronic interactions such as high -temperature superconductors, and create environmentally friendly technologies. While contributing to, we aim to further expand the scope of quantum technology.
Future vision
The outstandingness in the research and strategic investment of quantum technology at the University of Shabu Brook is a major candidate for international partnerships. The success of the university when securing funds from famous programs such as CERC emphasizes the ability to lead an ambitious project to deal with global issues. By emphasizing Professor VERGNIORY’s groundbreaking work, Sharbok University invites researchers around the world to cooperate in promoting science and technology frontier. In addition, Professor VERGNIORY is recruiting students and participating in the research group.
Her job symbolizes university commitment to innovation, collaboration, and interdisciplinary research. It is not just a step in theoretical material science, but a leap to a practical and sustainable technical solution for the future, and will open an unexpected science.
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According to Research Infosource (Top 50 Research University 2023)
This article is also published in the 19th edition of Quarterly Publication.
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