WASHINGTON (AP) – A new federal lawsuit in Maryland challenges Trump administration’s memo that gives country schools and universities Two weeks to eliminate “race-based” practices The risk of losing any kind or federal money.
The lawsuit filed by the United States Federation of Teachers and the American Sociology Association states that the Department of Education’s February 14 memo violates the First and Fifth Amendments. Forcing schools to teach only the opinions they support the federal government would violate free speech, the organization says, and the orders are so vague that schools I don’t know what practices go through the line.
“This letter is fundamentally covered and rewritten. “There is no federal law that hinders education on race and racial topics. The Supreme Court has said that diversity, equity and inclusion in education is the case. We do not ban efforts to promote it.”
The memo, officially known as the Dear Co-worker’s Letter, orders schools and universities to stop practicing treating people differently due to the deadline this Friday. As justification, it quotes Supreme Court decision It prohibits the use of race in college admissions, and says the ruling applies more broadly to all federally funded education.
President Donald Trump’s administration aims to end what the memo is described as widespread discrimination in education.
At risk is the drastic expansion of the Supreme Court ruling focusing on university admissions policies that viewed race as a factor in recognizing students. In a memo on February 14th, the Department of Education said it would interpret the ruling to apply for admission, employment, financial aid, graduation ceremonies and “all other aspects of students, academics and campus life.”
The lawsuit says the education division has applied the Supreme Court’s decision too widely and is stepping over the agency’s authorities. There is a problem with the line of notes that denounce teachings about “systematic and structural racism.”
“How schools teach US history courses without teaching slavery, Missouri’s compromise, Emancipation declaration, forced relocation of Native American tribes, and other lessons that could violate the letters. It is not clear if this can be done,” the lawsuit said. .
The department did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
In the memo, Craig, the vice-secretary of civil rights, said that diversity, equity and inclusive efforts at schools and universities “smuggling racial stereotypes and becoming more involved in everyday training, programming and discipline.” He said he was smuggling explicit racial consciousness.
“But under the banner, discrimination based on race, color or country origin will remain illegal and will continue to be illegal,” the trainer wrote in the note.
The lawsuit alleges that the letters of dear colleagues are so broad that it appears to ban voluntary student groups based on race and background, including Black Student Unions and Irish-American heritage groups. . The memo also appears to ban university admission practices that were not banned by the Supreme Court decision, such as recruitment efforts to attract students of all races.
They ask the court to stop the department from carrying out a memo and knocking it down.
The American Federation of Teachers is one of the largest teachers’ unions in the country. The Sociological Society is a group of approximately 9,000 university students, academics and teachers. Both groups say they will teach and oversee student organizations that may endanger the school’s federal funds under the memo.
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