WASHINGTON (AP) – The Supreme Court said it would not listen to challenges from Monday Conservative college students Those who say their freedom of speech is being violated by university programs to report bias claims.
Two of the nine justices, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, said they had heard of the incident.
Students say the Indiana University bias response team will curb speeches on campus by allowing anonymous reports of bias and seemingly despicable.
The university says the program is intended for education and support, and the two-person team will not rule out punishment.
Nameless students are first represented in group speeches. Similar programs. The group has filed several similar lawsuits and has come to the Michigan, Texas and Florida settlement programs.
The High Court majority, as typical, did not detail why they would decline the case in a short order, which was reported on Monday. Alito simply pointed out that he had heard of the incident.
Thomas objected, writing that the bias response team could refer students to students, identifying signs that could cool students’ freedom of speech.
“Given the number of schools with bias response teams, this court will ultimately need to resolve the divisions on the rights of students to challenge such programs,” Thomas wrote.
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